Scrabble word dictionary
Scrabble word dictionary

Want to go deep? Much of the confusion surrounding this pair is due to a shared linguistic ancestor. N = a Noun What caused all the confusion? There’s one trick to help you use the right word in almost every case: the word raven. Effect might also catch you off guard because it appears in two common idioms: in effect, and take effect. His sunburn was a result of exposure to the sun. For example, His sunburn was an effect of exposure to the sun. If you can substitute affect with another verb, you’ll know you’re using the right word, as in The cold weather damaged the crop, or The music deeply moved him.Įffect is most commonly used as a noun, meaning “result” or “consequence.” So, when you’re writing, try to swap out effect for result and see if it makes sense. So, when you’re looking to use one of these two terms to express an action, chances are you’re looking for affect. It can also mean “to impress the mind or move the feelings of,” as in The music deeply affected him (the music changed his feelings or thoughts). The verb affect means “to act on produce an effect or change in” as in The cold weather affected the crops (it produced a change in the crops … probably killing them). effect: Generally, we use affect as a verb (an action word) and effect as a noun (an object word). Especially, since many people pronounce them in almost the exact same way. Very confusing! This slippery duo can send even experienced writers into a spiral of uncertainty. For example: AUGMENT gives MUTAGEN UNRAVEL give VENULAR.Both of these words are verbs and nouns and their meanings overlap.

scrabble word dictionary

You may not see the unusual word on a rack but, if you’ve learnt the couplets, may recall it once you’ve formed the common word on your rack as a prompt. For example: BOOGIE NOOGIE SOOGIE are all valid as are their plurals.Ĭouplets are useful for recalling unusual bonus words that have a common anagram. For example, the following threes can all have any of A,E,I or O as an end hook: CAM CAP DIV LOT MAN ROT SOL TOR. Look for words that can be grouped together with common patterns then you will find those nuggets of vocabulary will stick in the mind better. So rather than set out to learn all the fours, you may focus on those with a V, and if you remove all those that have an E and S (the sort of letters you would prefer to keep back) there are only 73 to study. Keep the lists you are trying to learn short and useful, so you build up a lot of small lists rather than one lengthy unwieldy one. Repeat with a fresh set of six letters and so on. Pick a random six-letters and see if you can spot words that have the JQX or Z on a double-letter square as an opening move. For example, for JQXZ words take JQXZ and a U for the Q out of the bag. Practise spotting words you’ve learned by drawing appropriate letters and seeing if you can spot them on an opening move. On the reverse you will have the solutions: ADIEU AUREI URAEI. Have a pack of index-cards with the prompt on one side and the solution(s) on the other.For example with vowel-heavy fours and fives on one card could have the prompt, eg: AEIU (3) which tells you there are three five-letter words with those vowels. Here’s my top tips to help you learn words for better Scrabble playing. So how do you learn words to ensure you play better Scrabble? well a apart from looking at word lists you need to test your knowledge on a regular basis.

scrabble word dictionary

So you need to ensure you get to know these words, the more familiar a word the more likely you are to spot it in play. Of course it’s one thing to have memorized words and quite another to have them front of mind during a game. These represent the core of Scrabble vocabulary you should focus on.

scrabble word dictionary

Essentially, this means the following categories: The two and three letter Scrabble words, the four letter words as extensions of threes and those using awkward letter combinations, the JQXZ words, the vowel-heavy words, the most likely seven and eight letter words (bonus words) Most players focus on the types of words that are going to be most useful, and those that are likely to crop up based on the letter distribution of the set. There are nearly 120,000 two to eight letter words in the Collins Scrabble word list and very few Scrabble enthusiasts have the time or the will to try and learn them all.


Allan Simmons, a former Scrabble champion and author of the forthcoming book Scrabble Trainer, shares his tips on how to learn words to improve your Scrabble game.

Scrabble word dictionary